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5G Webinar Now Available…

by | Jun 17, 2021

If you missed our recent webinar “5G With EDX: Tools to Win More Business” now is your chance to see it. In this webinar, we cover EDX’s 5G Module – Based on industry standards and enhanced with customizable features and automated processes, EDX is built to support 5G networks in any stage of the system life cycle and ensure you meet performance and budgetary requirements.

Our 5G Module supports all 5G use cases including Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) and Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC)

Learn more about EDX’s 5G solution by reading the solution brief here:

5G Design in EDX SignalPro

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EDX Wireless provides instant access to a full suite of network planning solutions. Our all-in-one cloud-based software provides instant access to all the tools needed for wireless design, maximizing productivity and providing first-rate service to your customers. Our solutions ensure networks meet performance and cost requirements for 5G, LTE, IoT, mmWave, CBRSSmart Grid, Distribution Automation, in-building DAS and more.

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