1-541-345-0019 INFO@EDX.COM
5G and the Future of Wireless…

5G and the Future of Wireless…

The continuous traffic growth and service demands on the 4G systems, such as real-time streaming, gaming, smart applications, multiple devices per consumer, autonomous self-driving cars, cloudification of systems and much more, have made it difficult for MNOs to...
Service Area Attenuation Files in Cirrus Data

Service Area Attenuation Files in Cirrus Data

Spending Too Much Time Adjusting Clutter Values? One of the most painstaking tasks in creating service area models is choosing the appropriate terrain and clutter data. This becomes even more important when working in challenging service areas that present physical...
USGS Data is Garbage

USGS Data is Garbage

There certainly are a lot of choices when it comes to databases. But when there is something that plays such a vital role in the accuracy of our system designs and therefore the likelihood that we will win RFPs and ensure our customers’ satisfaction, i.e. the health...
Planning for Private LTE & CBRS:  Webinar

Planning for Private LTE & CBRS: Webinar

If you missed our webinar “Planning for Private LTE & CBRS,” here’s your chance to see it now: The CBRS band creates many opportunities for the building of private LTE and other networks, but with the planning and deploying of these networks comes a unique set of...
P25 & TETRA Network Planning Using SignalPro

P25 & TETRA Network Planning Using SignalPro

Public Safety wireless networks are a critical component in the operation of all national emergency services. P25 and TETRA are two different types of open interoperability standards used for public safety wireless systems and define the specifics of the underlying...
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