1-541-345-0019 INFO@EDX.COM
The Challenge of High Compute Plans

The Challenge of High Compute Plans

Networks span across multiple industrial market segments, which also includes various technologies. With an entanglement of technologies and deployments, it becomes imperative that we can keep up with the demands of the network owners. Cloud is already a reality in...
The Advantages of Cirrus Data

The Advantages of Cirrus Data

A critical component of any wireless network plan is the data that depicts a service area. But finding and working with a database that provides a realistic representation of the various regions in which networks are deployed has historically presented many...
5G In-building with EDX

5G In-building with EDX

With 5G applications still evolving, along with the need to meet higher demand and the inherent challenges of deploying high-frequency networks that will perform in offices, hotels, manufacturing, hospitals, airports, etc., a holistic design approach for In-building...
Design Automation

Design Automation

Too many engineering tasks require an abundance of unnecessary manual labor and configurations throughout the entire network design, deployment and optimization. EDX works with our customers to determine where time is wasted during network engineering and provide...
Custom Reporting in SignalPro

Custom Reporting in SignalPro

The Write PDF function is a valuable tool used to help generate custom reports and presentations for customers. Using the function produces PDFs that provide visual display of path profiles as well as system performance information.  You can easily generate reports...
Fun with Propagation Models

Fun with Propagation Models

EDX software provides a library of propagation models that cover frequencies 30MHz up to 100GHz. These models may be selected from to perform calculations of path loss, received power or field strength. Depending on the frequency, type of service, data available as...
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