1-541-345-0019 INFO@EDX.COM


The Ultimate Planning Tool

EDX Wireless, the industry’s most innovative wireless planning software for Mobile Operators, Public Safety, Governments, Railways Systems, Smart Grid, Utilities and scientists globally.

EDX delivers advanced engineering solutions for wireless networks, used to plan and design 5G, LTE, Private Networks, IoT, Smart Grid AMI, Broadband, Railway Communications, In-Building, and DAS systems.

These solutions are ideal for greenfield and brownfield projects, optimization of existing network infrastructure, expanding the network and technology migration.

Multi-Technology Support

5G, LTE, CBRS, Wi-Fi, NB-IoT, LoRa, AMI Mesh, DAS, WiMAX, OFDM, CDMA, UMTS/HSPA, 2G, PTC, IDEN, P25, Tetra, Microwave

Precision Planning

SignalPro empowers network engineers and planners to design precise, high-performance wireless Networks.

Cost Efficiency

By meticulously planning your network’s desgin, you can reduce infrastructure costs and operational expenses.

Risk Mitigation

By identifying potential issues before deployment, SignalPro helps you proactively address challenges and minimize risks, leading to a more robust and resilient network.

Data-Driven Insights

SignalPro offers a treasure trove of data-driven insights. By analyzing real-world data, you can fine-tune your network for optimal performance.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complex world of wireless regulations can be a daunting task. SignalPro incorporates compliance checks, helping you stay on the right side of regulatory requirements.


The SignalPro product comes with embedded features without modules. Providing a full RF toolset, the features are included below 

Microwave Planning

EDX SignalPro comes with full microwave planning features. Feature set contains a full microwave path analysis that includes rain and fade outage, percent availability, dispersive fade margin, antenna diversity reception and cross-link interference. An additional feature is a user-defined correlated rain fade on interference paths.


  • Full downlink and uplink reliability analysis on
    each radio path
  • Uplink and downlink interference analysis
  • An automatic ring network layout constructs
    links to connect an arbitrary set of buildings
    to be served

Link & MultiPoint Planning

SignalPro supports single link and multi-link network path profiles with end-to-end reliability studies.

  • The path profile tool includes K-factor analysis with diversity antennas, to ensure your links have reliability even as atmospheric conditions change.
  • Leverage clutter and/or building databases as well as manually add path obstructions.
  • The link features support’s adaptive modulation that can be used for any technology.
  • Link information and studies can be included in the same SignalPro project with area-wide or multipoint network elements. This allows our users to model the entire network, including backhaul, in a single easy-to-navigate project.

The Multipoint Systems features of EDX’s Network Design Module add the ability to do true point to-multipoint analysis with hub stations serving a set of Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), each with independently defined RF parameters and geographical locations.

The PMP studies also include:

  • Received signal levels downlink and uplink for
    each CPE
  • Interference levels at Base and CPE receiver fade
    margins downlink and uplink for each CPE
  • Full multiple access capability for evaluating TDMA and CDMA systems using any modulation type with support for adaptive modulation and coding
  • Link availability analysis for each CPE, both downlink and uplink. Analysis includes fade and
    rain outage effects
  • C/(I+N) using channel plan
  • Best server based on best channel (area-wide study)
  • Adaptive modulation performance
  • BER analysis

Propagation Models

EDX SignalPro is at the core of a comprehensive set of RF propagation prediction models, appropriate for systems from 30 MHz to100 GHz. EDX SignalPro lets you select from an extensive set of over 30 published propagation models, customize the coefficients of selected empirical models, or create your own proprietary propagation models with an external dynamic link library. All models have adjustable environmental and reliability parameters.

Area Studies

Area Studies can be used to create maps showing coverage areas, interference areas, and other information that can be directly used to design a communications system and predict its performance in terms of real service objectives.

Some examples are:


  • Shadowing/Line of Sight
  • Path Loss
  • Field Strength
  • Received Power
  • Downlink Signal Levels
  • Uplink Signal Levels
  • TIA TSB-88 Reliability


  • C/(I+N) & Aggregate C/(I+N)
  • Group-To-Group Interference
  • Bit Error Rate
  • Number of Available servers
  • Simulcast Delay Spread
  • Height Required for LoS


The Map Sync feature in SignalPro is an interactive map that allows users to select service areas and regions within the software and download clutter and terrain data directly into their projects. Map Sync eliminates the need to source and convert data and provides engineers with the opportunity to get data immediately as projects and customer requests arise.

Tile Selector

A mapping software that comes with EDX SignalPro. Allowing users to select any resolution and geo location globally to download and use for their planning needs.

wireless mapping software
wireless mapping software

Regulatory Filing / BDC Filing

To update broadband maps depicting where fixed and mobile broadband services are available, the Regulatory bodies such as FCC (Federal Communications Commission in the USA) has launched the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) program. Coverage maps collected through BDC filings will equip operators and government entities with the necessary information to identify service gaps and plan future deployments.

EDX offers a comprehensive feature set tailored for Regulatory filings, adhering to all requirements to help providers streamline their process.

Model Tuning

EDX offers users automatic tuning for clutter pass-through loss, providing a much more accurate representation of losses in the field and streamlining your deployments.

The feature is particularly helpful with high-frequency, short-range networks such as 5G, CBRS, small cell, Mesh and other networks that are more susceptible to clutter and physical characteristics of a service area.


The SignalPro product comes with embedded features without modules. Providing a full RF toolset, the features are included below 

New to EDX?

EDX Wireless provides instant access to a full suite of network planning solutions. Our all-in-one cloud-based software provides instant access to all the tools needed for wireless design, maximizing productivity and providing first-rate service to your customers.

Our solutions ensure networks meet performance and cost requirements for 5G, LTE, IoT, mmWave, CBRS, Smart Grid, Distribution Automation, in-building DAS and more.


Product Release Notes

Case Studies


Scale to your Needs

Flexible Licensing



Flexible Licensing

SignalPro can utilize Cirrus licensing to provide instant access to the tools you need, when you need them.  Quickly add or remove users and modules to fit your current business needs.

Add the functionality you need.  When you need it.

Modules extend your capabilities with specialized tools.





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