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SignalPro/ Signal & The Cirrus Platform (March 2021)

Mar 3, 2021

New product build – Release 24670


  • High Data Rates Studies; New Studies have been introduced modelling higher data rates for the technologies in the following modules;
    • 5G
    • LTE
    • WiMAX
  • Uplink Study Reverse Value; The Link study has been enhanced to provide the uplink reverse value in the link study dialog & the GUI. This has been fixed to show the reverse pathloss with the correct starting point*
  • Height option added for terrain + Clutter height to mobile/remote; A height option for Terrain + Clutter Height to mobile/remote, CPE has been added so that LOS studies can be run to rooftops. The covers the instance when the only ‘building’ information is in the clutter data. This is scheduled to be fixed in 2 phases. This first phase is the fix in the study and the second fix will be fixing the GUI to match the results* 

*Please Note this enhancement is under the EAP flag,


  • FCC-EDX Propagation Model Issue; The propagation model did not recalculate when user changed the FCC table or antenna height corrections. It was identified that new parameters in the model were not being applied, this has now been fixed.
  • Annoying Box Error with ascii point file; When an improperly formatted ascii point file was opened a blank error box opened when the view was changed by user, This has now been fixed and user will be presented with warning messages when an improperly ascii file is used
  • Cancel Function not functioning correctly in main viewer page of MegaMesh; The cancel was not working correctly, this has now been fixed and user is able to cancel the studies in the MegaMesh GUI
  • Bad frequency warning in auto placement; The user was unable to use the cost model (1500 to 2000) in auto placement. This has now been fixed
  • Unexpected Characters in Pole Names Produce bad sector names; When a pole-name contains a slash, it causes an issue with the Mesh setup logic. A warning with be presented with any bad pole names

EARLY ACCESS FEATURES (to enable please contact EDX technical support)

  • Cirrus Platform-The new platform provides sophisticated cloud computing for a highly scalable, elastic and significantly faster experience than that of traditional desktop applications. The platform provides many features for streamlining and optimization network designs such as the “replay” function, allowing many studies with different settings simultaneously as well as the ability to compute large regions in a single run, eliminating the need to reset study grids and run multiple studies for one service area.  
  • Map Download & Sync-This new feature is a lightweight interactive map enabling users to select the region/area of interest inside of SignalPro and automatically download terrain/clutter data from our geospatial hosting service. Save time by no longer having to source, download or convert data from a third party application.
  • Clutter Attenuation Files – New attenuation files provided with the Cirrus data service provides values for urban, suburban and rural areas with average heights across these various service areas.  This provides a higher level of detail and saves engineering time spent on the backend tuning height values for clutter categories.
  • Uplink Study Reverse Value; The Link study has been enhanced to provide the uplink reverse value in the link study dialog & GUI. This has been fixed to show the reverse pathloss with the correct starting point.



The following articles have been published to the Customer Support portal this month:

  • Licensing Scenarios
  • EDX Network Requirements
  • EDX SignalPro Directory Structure Best Practices
  • Creating CPES in a Service Area
  • Limitations for Windows Display Settings When using SignalPro
  • The Multi-Serial Login Article
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