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SignalPro & Cirrus Platform (March 2023)

New product build – NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES Sustainability Feature Set; To provide the industry & our customers with the right solution for all their planning needs, we have brought in a new sustainability feature set. This will assist...

SignalPro & Cirrus Platform

NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES Private Network Planning in Novus; In providing the best solution for our customers we have added a new, easier planning feature set for 5G and LTE in the cloud. This will provide the users a slimline feature set to Plan &...

SignalPro & Cirrus Platform

NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES BDC Enhancements ; We are continuing to enhance our BDC feature set. The latest enhancement provides the user with signal thresholds per technology with the BDC study. This being 5G SS-RSRP & LTE-PRO RSRP Novus Private...

SignalPro & Cirrus Platform

NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES Coverage vs. Number of Sites ; A new feature has been added to the auto-selection function that presents the user with a “Coverage vs. Number of Sites” graph. This will allow the user to view total coverage or the...

SignalPro & Cirrus Platform (November 2022)

NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES Cloud Coverage Instances: Running cloud studies for WISPs FWA deployments. Separate instances are created to handle different users on the cloud. Enhancements have been added to ensure each separate instance has the best...

SignalPro & Cirrus Platform (October 2022)

NEW FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS / UPDATES Extension of Cirrus License checkout: To further enhance the user experience for our customers we have opened the Cirrus License that can be now be checked out for 7 days. Allowing a longer period for users to be on the field,...
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