1-541-345-0019 INFO@EDX.COM

EDX SignalPro 9.1.3/Signal 12.1.3

Mar 5, 2020

March 5th, 2020 

EDX SignalPro 9.1.3/Signal 12.1.3

New product build – release 24439


  • 5-9’s Decimal Expansion â€“ For the Multipoint Percent Service Availability study and the Query Studies, the decimal restriction has been lifted allowing for a detailed analysis and color levels to show regions of 99.999% reliability.


  • RSSI Discrepancies Between CPE & Tx â€“ The CPE and Sector using an antenna pattern file (not omni/iso), RSSI discrepancies were noted as the CPE distance from the sector increased. NOTE: This may result in a change to your study results for existing projects.
  • Antenna Pattern Name Handling â€“ Antenna pattern containing en-dash in the file name is supported
  • WiMAX Modulation Region Color Map Changes â€“ Previously the color changes in the map were identified at project re-open.
  • Mobile Remote Type Changes â€“ Due to a UI workflow bug, in some circumstances all the mobile remote types in the project were edited when a single remote was changed.
  • Link Study Pointing Elevation â€“ This feature is now accounting for the earth flattening factor
  • MeterTypes.csv was not automatically copied into the MODDIR folder â€“ The existing MeterTypes.csv are now being used.

EARLY ACCESS FEATURES (to enable please contact EDX technical support)

  • High-scale point-to-mulitpoint market evaluation â€“ Fixed-wireless / PMP systems can now be quickly evaluated over very large areas to identify link potential for subscribers, meters, or other wireless assets.
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